



This study aims to investigate the formation process slang of Australian English. This research employs a qualitative-descriptive approach. The data of this research are conversation transcripts of Australians consisting three males and one female and being analysed analytically to find the use of slang. Observational technique was used to gather the data. The researcher taped the conversation and transcribed them to make the data analysis easier. Slang is formed into a morphological and semantic process. The morphological processes consist of derivation, clipping, blending, acronym, and alliteration. The semantic process consists of generalization, metaphor, specialization, and arbitrary process. The use of slang affects the society in terms of social and communication function. Knowing this intensely helps non natives to get close and increase more understanding in communicating with Australians.


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Biografi Penulis

  • Anggara Jatu Kusumawati, Universitas Islam Indonesia

    Anggara Jatu Kusumawati is an English lecturer in Universitas Islam Indonesia. She received a bachelor’s degree in English Literature Study Program majoring in Linguistics from Universitas Negeri Yogykarta and a master’s degree in Linguistics from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. She is interested in English Language Teaching (ELT) for foreign language learners, Linguistics and English for Specific Purposes.


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Cara Mengutip

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