“TUNTUTLAH ILMU DI NEGERI SAKURA”: Kuliah di Jepang dalam Persepsi Muslim Indonesia Alumni Jepang


  • Edy Hariyadi UNEJ


This article discusses the alumni of Japan Indonesian Muslim
viewpoints in connection with their study experiences in Japan. Their
motivations to study in Japan are opportunity available, the ease of
getting a scholarship, boost the positive image of Japanese from their
parents, positive impression on Japan from their senior, interest in
Japanese culture and technology advances, interest in English-language
classes and programs. The constraints they face while studying in Japan
is divided into academic and non-academic issues. Academic problems
are: different fields of study with academic tutors, language and
communication problems, the problem of interaction with academic
counselors. Non-academic problems did not largerly happen because
they did not experience financial problems, obtaining economical
accommodation for academic tutors help, having special facilities for
foreign students, can overcome the problem by cooking own food, buy
food at the halal food store or order via the internet, able to adapt to
different weather and climate, and social support from the community
and the government of Japan that helps international students so that
they feel comfortable studying in Japan.

Keywords: Muslim, Indonesia, study, Japan


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Vol 14, No 1 (2013): Thaqãfiyyãt

How to Cite

“TUNTUTLAH ILMU DI NEGERI SAKURA”: Kuliah di Jepang dalam Persepsi Muslim Indonesia Alumni Jepang. (2016). Thaqafiyyat : Jurnal Bahasa, Peradaban Dan Informasi Islam, 14(1), 27-57. https://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/adab/thaqafiyyat/article/view/611