Collaboration of Artificial Intelligence and Journalists in Online Media from the Perspective of Human-Machine Communication


  • Fiqih Rahmawati Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



artificial intelligence, human-machine communication, online media


This study aims to analyze the collaboration between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and journalists in online media using the Human-Machine Communication (HMC) approach. The research method used is a literature study. Data is processed using Miles and Huberman data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that AI is used in three primary stages of journalism: news gathering, news production, and news distribution. At the news gathering stage, AI assists journalists in collecting news materials from various sources and analyzing audience interest in specific topics. AI is used in news script creation, editing, and proofreading at the news production stage. AI chatbots and NLP programs help with automatic news writing and factual verification. Meanwhile, at the news distribution stage, AI is used for content personalization, news recommendations, and SEO optimization in online media. From the HMC perspective, collaboration between AI and journalists can be conceptualized as a unidirectional and two-way process. Collaboration between AI and journalists in a social context also occurs at the micro, meso, and macro levels, where interactions between humans and machines affect the social situation, the immediate reality of individuals, and the structure of society as a whole.

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