Preferences for Procurement of Sharia Pay Latter Through Analysis of Factors That Influence Consumtive Behavior


  • Moh.Sudah Department Islamic Banking, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Sharia Paylatter, Sharia Fintech, Consumptive Behaviour, Hedonic Motivation, Paylatter Interest


Research Aims: Find out what factors can become preferences in procuring sharia paylatter

Methodology: The research method used in this research is quantitative research. This research was tested empirically with a statistical approach using the IBM SPSS Ststistics 26 statistical test tool. The data tested was multiple linear regression to determine the results of the t test, f test and coefficient of termination test

Research Findings: From the results of the analysis, this research found that the results were variablehedonic motivation, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, price value and habit have a significant effect on consumptive behavior. Meanwhile, the social influence variable has no influence on consumptive behavior.

Theoretical Contribution: The grand theory used in this research is consumer consumptive behavior by testing seven variables. Previous research only used three to five variables. This research used 500 respondents, which was more accurate than previous research

Research limitation and implication: This research is limited to respondents who have ever used Paylatter.


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