Focus and Scope

The aim of the Journal of Business Management and Islamic Banking (JBMIB) is to provide a forum for researchers/academicians as well as practitioners in promoting the systematic dissemination of scientific research results into the research field s of Islamic business management and Islamic banking.

JMBIB is intended as a journal to publish articles reporting the results of research on Islamic business management and Islamic banking. JBMIB invites manuscripts in the fields of:

    - Islamic Banking
    - Islamic Business
    - Islamic Finance
    - Islamic Economics
    - Islamic Management

JBMIB accepts articles on any subject related to Islamic banking and research methodology that meet the standards set for publication in the journal. The main, but not exclusive, audience is academics, students, practitioners and others interested in Islamic business management and Islamic banking research.

The main criteria for publication in JBMIB are the significance of an article's contribution to the literature in the field of Islamic business management and Islamic banking and being able to contribute to solving the problems of the ummah, the gap between theory and practice, etc. The acceptance decisions is made based on an independent review process that provides critically constructive and prompt critical evaluations of submitted manuscripts.