The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Turnover Intentions through Employee Engagement as a Mediating Variable (Study on Yogyakarta Social Service Employees)
Transformational Leadership, Employee Engagement, Turnover IntentionAbstract
Research Aims: This study aims to analyze The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Turnover Intentions through Employee Engagement as a Mediating Variable (Study on Yogyakarta Social Service Employees).
Methodology: This quantitative survey research, focusing on the Yogyakarta City Social Service, involves the entire population of 76 employees as respondents. Data was collected through a questionnaire instrument and analyzed using Descriptive and Path Analysis for hypothesis testing
Research Findings: The results indicate that transformational leadership significantly and positively influences employee engagement and turnover intention among Yogyakarta City Social Service employees. Additionally, employee engagement significantly and negatively affects turnover intention. Transformational leadership also exhibits a significant negative effect on turnover intention, mediated by employee engagement
Theoretical Contribution: This research makes a significant theoretical contribution to the understanding of organizational dynamics, particularly related to transformational leadership, employee engagement, and turnover intention
Implication: This highlights the importance of strengthening transformational leadership, particularly in the Yogyakarta City Social Service, to improve employee engagement.

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