Influence Good Corporate Governance (GCG) And Islamic corporate social responsibility (ICSR) Against Corporate Value With Financial Performance As Variable Intervening at Bank Muamalat Indonesia


  • Lu'lu'il Maknuun Department Islamic Banking, KH Abdul Chalim University, Mojokerto, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Mukhlisuddin Department Islamic Banking, KH Abdul Chalim University, Mojokerto, Indonesia
  • Nida Nurrohmah Department Islamic Banking, KH Abdul Chalim University, Mojokerto, Indonesia



GCG, ICSR, Company Value, Financial Performance


Research Aims: Knowing the influence of GCG and ICSR on company value through financial performance.

Methodology: The method used in this research is quantitative research with data analysis using PLS and path analysis.

Research Findings: From the results of the analysis used in this research, the results showed that the influence of the GCG variable on company value and financial performance was proven to be significant in a positive direction, the influence of the ICSR variable on company value was proven to be insignificant but in a positive direction, the influence of the ICSR variable on financial performance was proven to be significant in a negative direction. , the influence of the GCG variable on company value through financial performance is proven to be mediating and the influence of the ICSR variable on company value through financial performance is proven not to mediate.

Theoretical Contribution: The grand theory used in this research includes,legitimacy theory, stakeholder theory, signaling theory and agency theoryby testing four variables consisting of independent variables, dependent variables and mediating variables.

Research limitation and implication: The limitations of this research are on the subject of banks that use one bank, namely Bank Muamalat Indonesia.


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