The Role of Human Resources in The Development of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
Islamic Banking, Human Resources, Competency and EducationAbstract
Research Aims: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of human resources' (HR) competence and education level on the Return on Asset (ROA).
Design/methodology/approach: The competency indicator is measured by the budget allocated for employee training and education, while the education level indicator is gauged by the number of employees who earned a college degree. The sample for this research is eight Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia for the 2018-2022 period using panel data regression analysis with the help of E-views 10.
Research Findings: The findings indicate that competency did not have a significant impact on Return on Assets (ROA) while the level of education had a significant positive effect on ROA. Simultaneously Competency and Education Level have a significant effect on Return on Assets (ROA). The competency variable and level of education can influence the ROA variable by up to 40%, while other unexamined variables have an impact of around 60%.
Research limitation and implication: The study's results suggest that Islamic banking should increase the proportion of college graduates among its employees as their ratio has a significant positive impact on Return on Assets (ROA). Additionally, the company should focus on employee training and education tailored to their needs in order to improve financial performance.

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