The Future of Digital Finance: The Impact of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain on Digital Securities in Indonesia and Gen Z's Adoption Potential


  • Muhammad Sifaudin Department Islamic Banking, State Islamic University of Salatiga, Salatiga, Indonesia
  • Nur Ayiyah Department Economics Education, State University of Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia



Digital Securities, Institutional Trust, Technological Trust, Generation Z, Involvement Facilitation, Blockchain Use Intention


Research Aims: This study aims to examine the intention of the young generation in Indonesia to adopt cryptocurrency and blockchain instruments in Digital Securities.

Methodology: This study adopts a Mixed Methods (Sequential Explanatory Design) approach. This method begins with the collection of quantitative data in the first stage, followed by the collection of qualitative data in the second stage.

Research Findings: This disclosure emphasizes public trust in the ability of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Central Bank (BI) to launch and regulate blockchain regulations in the digital capital market.

Theoretical Contribution: The results of the study revealed that the involvement of facilitation, institutional trust and technological trust have a significant effect on Gen-Z's intention to use digital securities in Indonesia.

Research limitation and implication: The existence of maximum literacy facilities and consultations provided can increase public trust in the authorities providing digital exchange to continue to develop technological innovation optimally.


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