Efficiency Analysis of Firm Financial Performance: Case Study of PT. Unilever Indonesia


  • Sumarti Sumarti Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Yogyakarta




Corporate Financial Performance, Profitability, Liquidity


The purpose of this study is to analyze the profitability ratios and company
liquidity ratios to assess the efficiency of company performance. This research is
included in descriptive research, which is research that seeks to describe a
phenomenon, event, event that is happening now. The reason this type of research
is used is because the researcher tries to describe the events and events that are
the center of attention without giving special treatment to those events. The study
was conducted at PT. Unilever Indonesia, is the largest manufacturing company
in Indonesia. The data analysis technique used in this study is quantitative
descriptive using financial ratio analysis. The results show financial performance
seen from the profitability ratio, overall the average is said to be efficient because
of its magnitude above the industry average as a benchmark. Financial
performance can be seen from the liquidity ratio, overall the average ratio is said
to be liquid because the average is above the industry average as a benchmark.


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How to Cite

Sumarti, S. (2020). Efficiency Analysis of Firm Financial Performance: Case Study of PT. Unilever Indonesia. EkBis: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, 4(1), 379–392. https://doi.org/10.14421/EkBis.2020.4.1.1204