Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Psikologi Integratif
The Role of Body Image, Body Mass Index, Body Shape Dissatisfaction and Gender on Self-Esteem Among Obese Young Boys and Girls
Abstract Viewed = 392 times | pdf Downloaded = 338 times -
Coping Stress Pada Pelajar Kawruh Jiwa Lansia Duda Pasca Kematian Pasangan
Abstract Viewed = 397 times | pdf Downloaded = 459 times -
Meta Analisis: Efektivitas Cognitive Behavioral Therapy untuk Insomnia
Abstract Viewed = 322 times | pdf Downloaded = 484 times -
Understanding Anxiety among Students Who Memorize the Qur'an
Abstract Viewed = 182 times | pdf Downloaded = 182 times -
Perceived Social Support as Predictor of Acculturative Stress Among Indonesian Exchange Students in Europe
Abstract Viewed = 302 times | pdf Downloaded = 230 times -
Perilaku Mencari Perhatian pada Remaja Akhir dengan Latar Belakang Keluarga Broken Home
Abstract Viewed = 440 times | pdf Downloaded = 484 times -
The Play Interaction Programme sebagai Strategi Penguatan School Connectedness pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Abstract Viewed = 143 times | pdf Downloaded = 97 times