Announcement of Writing Competition 2023


Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuhu

Dear all participants of the Writing Competition for Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi 2023, we would like to share some announcements regarding the results of the evaluation by the PJK (Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi) reviewers and editors for the submitted manuscripts.

Firstly, there were 21 (Twenty-One) manuscripts submitted through the Writing Competition for Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi link. Out of these 21 manuscripts, they have undergone the review process and have been selected to be submitted to PJK for the next stage. Please submit your draft manuscripts at the following link:

The submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process, and the eligibility for publication will depend on the review outcomes and any necessary revisions. The publication timeline will be adjusted based on the readiness of the manuscripts.

Secondly, based on the evaluation by reviewers and discussions with the Editor of Profetik: Jurnal Komunikasi, we have identified 5 (five) selected manuscripts that received higher scores and met the criteria specified when the PJK writing competition was announced. The publishing rights for these top five manuscripts will belong to the PJK, and they will receive rewards from the Faculty of Social and Humanities (FISHUM) at UIN Sunan Kalijaga.

The top five manuscripts in order are as follows:

Best Manuscript 1: Syafawi Ahmad Qadzafi (UIN Raden Mas Sahid Surakarta), Abraham Zakky Zulhazmi (UIN Raden Mas Sahid Surakarta), & Virdika Rizki Utama (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) with the title "Representation of Islam in The StandUp Comedy Material of Priska Baru Segu and Boris Bokir."

Best Manuscript 2: Aditya Fahmi Nurwahid (Universitas Negeri Surabaya) & Rahmatillah Dwi Putri (Wuhan University, China) with the title "Visual Rhetoric of 'Gus' as Political Image: Islam-Nationalist or Commodifying Islam."

Best Manuscript 3: Abdillah (Universitas Padjajaran), Sapen Sartika Unyi Putri (Universitas Padjajaran), Inam Ullah Khan (King's College London, United Kingdom), Budiman (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) & Thannapat Khotsing (National Institute and Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand) with the title "Digital Transformation of Indonesia Towards the Era Society 5.0, Urgent Issues to Challenges and Opportunities."

Best Manuscript 4: Gianina Amanda Azahra (Institute Teknologi & Bisnis Kalbis), Prida Ariani Ambar Astuti (Institute Teknologi & Bisnis Kalbis), Antonius Widi Herdianto (Atma Jaya Indonesia Catholic University) & Roel Hansing (North-Eastern Hill University, India) with the title "Online Shopping Virtual Events and Their Impact on Brands."

Best Manuscript 5: Muhammad Dicka Ma'arif Alyatalatthaf (Institute Teknologi & Bisnis Kalbis) & Natalia Faradheta Putri (Institute Teknologi & Bisnis Kalbis) with the title "Dissecting the Political Persona of the 2024 Indonesian Presidential Candidates through Visual Framing Analysis."

With this announcement, we extend our congratulations to all participants. We highly value your interest in this program and appreciate your collaboration in the review, revision, and future publication processes.

Thank you. 
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu.

Best Regards,
Editor in Chief
Yanti Dwi Astuti, M.A.

*The top five manuscripts (Best Manuscript 1-5) will receive cash rewards as specified.
*Please send a copy of your ID (KTP), taxpayer identification number (NPWP), and the front page of your bank book via WhatsApp to Rahmah Attaymini: +62 852-5779-8493.
*The reward disbursement may not be immediate and will depend on the bureaucratic processes at the faculty level.