deindividuasi, anonym, gossip, celebrityAbstract
The phenomenon of deindividuation is a phenomenon that occurs in a society where the level of individual identity begins to decline and encourage the individual to join a group. In relation to the deindividuation phenomenon that occurs in Instagram, this research has purpose to review the effects of anonymous account of celebrity gossip news either to its follower or its surround environment. Using the deindividuation theory, anonymous accounts of celebrity gossip news have a significant role: it has an appeal compared to the official "celebrity" gossip news accounts, the presence of less "self-regulation" influenced its published news, and its anonymous behavior will affect the level of individual "self-awareness" within the group.
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Artikel Jurnal:
Al Badayneh, D. (2013). Human Behaviour: When and Where Virtual Society Meets Physical Society. European Journal of Science and Technology, 9 (1), 105 - 110.
Chang, J. (2008). The Role of Anonymity in Deindividuated Behavior: A Comparison of Deindividuation Theory and The Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effect. The Pulse, 6 (1), 1-8.
Igbaria, M. (1999). The Driving Forces in The Virtual Society. Communication of the Acm, 42 (12), 64-70.
Leiner, B. M., Cerf, Clark, Kahn, Kleinrock, Lynch, . . . Wolff. (2009). A Brief History of the Internet. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 39 (5), 22-29.
Postmes, T., Spears, R., Sakhel, K., & de Groot, D. (1999). Social Influence in Computer Mediated Communication: The Effects of Anonymityon Group Behaviour. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27 (10), 1243-1254.
Reicher, S., R, S., & Postmes, T. (1995). A Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Phenomena. European Review of Social Phsycology, 6 (1), 161-197.
Makalah Konferensi
Castels, M., Fernandez-Ardevol, M., Qiu, JL., & Sey, A. (2004, October). The Mobile Communication Society. Paper prepared at The International Workshop on Wireless Communication Policies and Prospects: A Global Perspective, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
Festinger, L., Pepitone, A., & Newcomb, T. (1952). Some Consequences of De-Individuation in A Group. Journal of Abnornal Psychology, 47 (2), 382-389.
Goddyn, B. (2001, January). Defining Anonymity and its Dimensions in the Electronic World. Paper prepared at The Seminar on Law and Information Science, The Interdisciplinary Center for Law and Information Technology (ICRI), Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Kizilcec, R. F., & Zhang, K. (2014). Anonymity in Social Media: Effects of Content Controversiality and Social Endorsement on Sharing Behaviour. Paper Presented at The 8th International AAAI Conference On Weblogs and Social Media, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, USA.
Omernick, E., & Sood, S. O. (2013). The Impact of Anonymity in Online Communities. Paper Presented at The International Conference on Social Computing, Alexandria, VA, USA.
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