The local newspaper provides a set of value which is relevant to it’s readers’ characteristics due to their closeness with the issues which has been issued. Two of many local newspapers in Yogyakarta are Kedaulatan Rakyat and Harian Jogja. Both of them had issued the planning to build new airport in Temon subdistrict, Kulonprogo regency, Yogyakarta province, since November 2013 until January 2014. They issued about the controversy regarding this planning between Wahana Tri Tunggal (WTT) association and the goverment of Kulonprogo regency.
This research applies framing analysis of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki to explain the mass media construction on the planning to build new airport,through the news issued byKedaulatan Rakyat and Harian Jogja. Framing analysis of Pan and Kosicki consists of four framing sets or main structures for the unit analysis: syntax structure, script structure, thematic structure, and retoric structure. The result reveals that despite theirs standing positions as the same local newspaper in Yogyakarta province, Kedaulata Rakyat and Harian Jogja have different framing on issuing the planing to build new airport in Temon subdistrict. Kedaulatan Rakyat constructsthat the plan to build new airport in Temon subdistrict will benefit the society of Temon subdistrict. On the contrary, Harian Jogja contructs that this planning, will harm the society of Temon subdistrict.
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Surat Kabar
Harian Jogja, edisi 12 November 2013, “Penolakan Bandara: Warga Menyela Omongan Sekretaris Daerah”.
Harian Jogja,edisi 22 November 2013, “Polemik Bandara: WTT Mengaku Diancam”.
Harian Jogja, edisi 22 November 2013, “Bandara Kulonprogo,: Izin Turun, Lokasi Masih Dirahasiakan”.
Harian Jogja, edisi 24 Desember 2013, “Warga Lagi-lagi Dikasih Janji.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 27 Desember 2013, Proyek Bandara, Penolak Menilai Pemerintah Kabupaten Kulonprogo Belum Siap.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 9 Januari 2014, “Tolak Bandara, Warga Siaga.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 11 Januari 2014, “Warga Glagah Cabut Patok.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 13 Januari 2014, “Penolakan Bandara, WTT Siap Pasang Badan.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 16 Januari 2014, “Penolakan Bandara, WTT Ancam Lapor ke KPK.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 17 Januari 2014, “Proyek Bandara, Warga Palihan Merasa Tertekan.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 19 Januari 2014, “Penolakan Bandara, Blokir Jalan Krego Berlanjut.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 21 Januari 2014, “Proyek Bandara, Warga Pro Bandara dapat Sanksi Sosial.”
Harian Jogja, edisi 29 Januari 2014, “Tolak Bandara, WTT Doa Bersama.”
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 12 November 2013, “Warga Tidak Mau Mendengarkan, Sekda Hentikan Sosialisasi Rencana Bandara”.
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 22 November 2013, “Wahana Tri Tunggal Tegaskan Tolak Bandara”.
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 11 Desember 2013, “Ratusan Anggota Wahana Tri Tunggal Geruduk Balai Desa, Kades Glagah Tak Tau Soal Bandara”.
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 24 Desember 2013, “Dilema Bandara di Temon, Sultan Serahkan ke Dirjen.”
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 8 Januari 2014, “WTT Tidak Diberitahu, Hari Kedua Pasang Patok 10 Titik.”
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 11 Januari 2014, “Dipicu Tak Adanya Koordinasi Dengan Warga, Ratusan Anggota WTT Cabut Patok Bandara.”
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 13 Januari 2014, “Tiga Titik Calon Bandara Belum Dipatok, Warga Tak Perlu Bereaksi Berlebihan.”
SKH Kedaulatan Rakyat, edisi 16 Januari 2014, “Hari Ini Pemda ke Kemenhub, Soal Patok WTT Akan Lapor ke KPK.”
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