Forest Fire, Critical Discourse Analysis, Smoke Haze, Transboundary Haze PollutionAbstract
This study aimed to determine the construction of cross-border smoke haze (Transboundary Haze Pollution) on and news portal. This study used qualitative method with critical discourse analysis (Critical Discourse Analysis/ CDA) from Teun A. van Dijk’s Model. The results of this study showed that both the reporters and thematically used certain language prominence in writing the news. That was done to attract the attention of the readers. From these two different news portals, it could be concluded that each media was influenced by the interest of each country. It was also very clear that each media did not want to blame the state itself and pro-government. Schematically, from the beginning, reporters directed that Malaysia corner Indonesia not only through the issue of fog but also touched on the issue of the invasion of pigs. Whereas in the news portal, the journalist had directed the reader to the protest letter posted by Malaysia to the Indonesian government. While, semantically, reporters saw that Malaysia truly blames Indonesia without looking at companies from their countries which involved in forest and land fires in the Indonesian territory. On the portal, they dismissed it by making a phrase wanting to help the Indonesian government in dealing with fires that occurred in Indonesian territory.Downloads
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