Peer Review Process
The reviewer conducts a review or scanning and examination of the incoming manuscript for viewing compatibility with their field of expertise. The reviewer has the right to refuse if it is not in accordance with the expertise and competence, and the Section Editor may transfer to another appropriate reviewer.
The manuscript being reviewed is a double-blind review (without the identity of the author and reviewer).
The reviewer reviews the manuscript based on the substance of the manuscript (article quality) within a period of time maximum of 4 weeks from receipt of manuscript. If within that time the manuscript review has not been completed, the reviewer must confirm to the Editor in Chief or the editor-in-chief of the journal.
During the manuscript review process, the reviewer provides an assessment of the manuscript through a review checklist form/list that is provided available on this electronic journal application. If you find it difficult, the reviewer can evaluate the manuscript manually on the checklist review form (Ms.Word format) sent by the Section Editor Manuscripts of review results are returned to the Section Editor.
Reviewers make decisions on the results of the review manuscript, including:
Accept Submission (manuscript received).
Revisions Required (the manuscript needs to be revised by the author and returned to the reviewer).
Decline Submission (manuscript rejected).
See Comments (see comments, reviewers politely decline).