Naive Bayes untuk Pengukuran Kualitas Media pada Larva BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Berbasis Internet of Things


  • Mohammad Faisal Fajar Fadilah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Ajib Hanani UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Totok Chamidy UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang



Media Measurement, BSF Larvae, Internet of Things, NodeMCU, Naive Bayes


Piles of waste increase in line with population growth and consumption patterns. The concept of bioconversion using black soldier fly larvae can solve the problem of organic waste management. From these problems, an application of Internet of Things technology is needed. The system implemented aims to allow the system to find out how much accuracy, precision, and recall are in making decisions on media quality values using the Naive Bayes method. The main feature of this Naive Bayes Classifier is the very strong assumption of the independence of each condition or event. From the research results, the system has been successfully built according to the research design, as well as the goals that have been fulfilled in completing the development of the smart maggot. Several sensors used in this study were tested so that sensor performance could be determined by finding the average error value. Three parameters are measured; namely, the temperature obtained an average error of 1.6%, air humidity obtained an average error of 2.03%, and soil moisture obtained an average error of 2.7%. By measuring using Python, the Confusion Matrix is obtained so that the test results from the calculation of the Naive Bayes method can find the data in the form of accuracy, precision, and recall. Accuracy percentage results obtained 92%, precision percentage average results obtained 93%, and recall percentage average results obtained 92%. The conclusion shows the results of the system's accuracy obtained have worked well.


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How to Cite

Fadilah, M. F. F., Hanani, A., & Chamidy, T. (2023). Naive Bayes untuk Pengukuran Kualitas Media pada Larva BSF (Black Soldier Fly) Berbasis Internet of Things. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 8(2), 125–139.


