Server Redundancy: Performa Jaringan Mengunakan DNS Failover MikroTik pada Kasus Private Server dan Public Server


  • Tommi Alfian Armawan Sandi Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Firmansyah Firmansyah Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
  • Ahmad Fauzi Universitas Nusa Mandiri



Server Redundancy, DNS Failover, RTT, Mdev, Private Server, Public Server


The digitization of user services has increased, in line with the need for VPS and cloud computing services, which are rampant among application and platform developers. Quite a few companies that create applications or application users have servers to handle user needs. Testing is carried out using the ICMP Protocol to get real-time results and can be measured. From Scenario 1, carrying out 20 test requests, we get a packet loss of 5% with RTT Avarage of 195,838ms and Mdev 4,103ms. If you apply DNS failover in scenario 2, the client will likely access the web a little slower, as evidenced by the packet loss being 25% greater in value. Compared to scenario 1, having a high standard deviation (Mdev) of round-trip times is not desirable. This variation is also known as jitter. Increased jitter can cause a bad user experience, especially in real-time audio and video streaming applications. However, this is still understandable because it only has a 1-5 second effect on the service. Next, in scenario 3, we can see that private and public servers have relatively high gab with 0% packet loss, which has a small Mdev value of 0.309ms. Therefore, the DNS failover method is a solution for network administrators who have problems related to server migration between public servers and private servers so that services can run even if a server is maintaining or downlinking.


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How to Cite

Sandi, T. A. A., Firmansyah, F., & Fauzi, A. (2024). Server Redundancy: Performa Jaringan Mengunakan DNS Failover MikroTik pada Kasus Private Server dan Public Server. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 9(1), 50–58.