Implementation of the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment Method in Determining the Best Rice for Serabi Cake Making

Supplementary Files



Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS)
the best rice
Serabi cake

How to Cite

Tundo, T., & Kurniawan, D. (2019). Implementation of the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment Method in Determining the Best Rice for Serabi Cake Making. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 8(1), 40–46.


This study explains the implementation using the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment method in determining the best rice to be used for making Serabi cakes, the case was taken from a Serabi cake seller in Tegal City, Central Java with the aim of providing knowledge to Serabi cake traders to be more detailed in determining the rice that is used. suitable for use in making Serabi not just rice is cheap, but it is necessary to see the shape and characteristics of the whole rice. The steps taken to determine the best rice which will then be used as the basis for making Serabi cakes using the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment method are: (1) Prepare a matrix in which is the value of each set of criteria, (2) Normalize matrix data x becomes normalized data, (3) Calculates alternative values using Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment formula so that the ranking value is found. After these steps are carried out, in this study the best rice that is right to be used as a material for making Serabi is Pelita rice with a yield of 7.12 by occupying the first rank.


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