A Comparative Study of Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning Method on Deep Learning Models for Wayang Dataset Classification

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Deep Learning
Transfer Learning
Fine Tuning
Artificial Intelligence

How to Cite

Mustafid, A., Pamuji, M. M., & Helmiyah, S. (2020). A Comparative Study of Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning Method on Deep Learning Models for Wayang Dataset Classification. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 9(2), 100–110. https://doi.org/10.14421/ijid.2020.09207


Deep Learning is an essential technique in the classification problem in machine learning based on artificial neural networks. The general issue in deep learning is data-hungry, which require a plethora of data to train some model. Wayang is a shadow puppet art theater from Indonesia, especially in the Javanese culture. It has several indistinguishable characters. In this paper, We tried proposing some steps and techniques on how to classify the characters and handle the issue on a small wayang dataset by using model selection, transfer learning, and fine-tuning to obtain efficient and precise accuracy on our classification problem. The research used 50 images for each class and a total of 24 wayang characters classes. We collected and implemented various architectures from the initial version of deep learning to the latest proposed model and their state-of-art. The transfer learning and fine-tuning method showed a significant increase in accuracy, validation accuracy. By using Transfer Learning, it was possible to design the deep learning model with good classifiers within a short number of times on a small dataset. It performed 100% on their training on both EfficientNetB0 and MobileNetV3-small. On validation accuracy, gave 98.33% and 98.75%, respectively.


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