The Relational Data Model on The University Website with Search Engine Optimization


logical data model
website's visibility
conceptual data model
supporting factors
functional requirements

How to Cite

Alifi, M. R., Hayati, H., & Wonoseto, M. G. (2022). The Relational Data Model on The University Website with Search Engine Optimization. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 10(2), 112–121.


The visibility of a university’s website on the search engine becomes an essential factor to reach a wider audience. One way to improve the visibility of a website is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). University’s website development with SEO is inseparable from the data model because SEO supporting factors are parts of the consideration in the components and structure of the data model. This study aims to build a data model for a university website accompanied by SEO. The relational data model is used in this study based on the performance and maturity in defining schema-based design. This study was conducted through four sequential stages: literature review, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The resulting relational data model is one that has accommodated four supporting factors for SEO, namely Meta description, Meta keywords, URL structure, and image description. This study has succeeded in building a relational data model at the abstraction level of conceptual and logical.  In the conceptual data model, one entity and 11 attributes are formed. The logical data model was implemented in independent work environments using RelaX and operational requirements can be fulfilled by representing each table or relationship in the schema using relational algebra.


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