Design and Development of an Edugame Arabic for Learning Media


digital learning material
learning experience

How to Cite

Yudha Riwanto, Inggrid Yanuar Risca Pratiwi, Asri Wulan Septiana, Fauzia Anis Sekar Ningrum, & Ajie Kusuma Wardhana. (2024). Design and Development of an Edugame Arabic for Learning Media. IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development), 12(2), 362–373.


Learning media provides significant advantages to students by improving their learning experience through the use of multimedia applications, resulting in a more engaging and fascinating learning environment while reducing the monotony associated with traditional manual learning techniques. Digital learning material, provides a platform for interesting learning activities, encouraging a delightful and cost-effective learning experience. The impact of learning media is especially noticeable in the subject of the Arabic language. Arabic is traditionally regarded as a difficult language, and many students dislike this language course. However, the Edugame Arabic was created to overcome this issue. Using the GDLC process, which includes phases of initialization, pre-production, production, testing, and publishing. This game-learning application was evaluated through a testing phase that included groups of school students who were actively involved in Arabic language lessons. Edugame Arabic has successfully been installed and runs smoothly on various Android smartphones. Moreover, the game's offline capability allows users to continue their learning without an internet connection. The questionnaire responds, with users strongly agreeing that the app has an appealing design, an intriguing game premise, good material delivery, and considerable aid in learning Arabic. Furthermore, users generally acknowledged that the Edugame is simple to use and helps with vocabulary learning.


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