Syariat Islam dalam Perspektif Gender dan Hak Asasi Mansia (HAM)


  • Mohamad Ikrom Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga



This writing background by concern to role and good responsibility (gender)
woman in domestic domain as well as public domain that is straight experience
discrimination, subordinated and violence. Whereas, by normative Al-Qur`an depicts
ideal figure a woman as private that own autonomy in various fields life, particularly
autonomy in political sphere. However, when the teaching that is ideal and sacred down
through earth and interact by various culture human, often happened by distortions in
the interpretation. Understanding that distortif appear, because several factors. Among
other things because understanding dogma that very tekstual until ignore the
kontekstual aspect, besides because sosio-kultural influence background and sosiohistoris human that interpret him. Because of focus study in this writing is how syariat
Islam in perspective gender and HAM. However inferential that, role and
responsibility woman equivalent with man. Both eqully creation God, eqully human,
eqully potentially become fi al-ardh caliph and also eqully potentially become fi al-ardh
damage. Man humanity value and same woman, do not have difference even a little.
Because task human only ber-fastabiqul something good (vie act best) for expect ridha
Allah SWT.

Author Biography

  • Mohamad Ikrom, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
    SUPREMASI HUKUM merupakan jurnal ilmiah dan media komunikasi ilmiah antar peminat ilmu hukum.


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How to Cite

Ikrom, M. (2013). Syariat Islam dalam Perspektif Gender dan Hak Asasi Mansia (HAM). Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum, 2(1).