Perjanjian Pemborongan dengan Kontrak Unit Price pada Proyek Pemerintah dan Indikasi Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat di Kota Yogyakarta
Chartering Agreement with contract unit price still new law. Unit Price termappears in a special chartering agreement for the implementation for the project for
which payment is made after the project is handed to the government. The purpose of
this study to know the procedure of chatering the contract unit price authors of the study
that is examining the legal aspect of normative document in determining the
implementation of the procurement of goods/ service to the payment. In this study, the
implementation of government projects implemented by chartering contract unit price, the
construction contract (chartering) are based on the completion of all work within a
certain time limit, based on the unit price of a definite and fixed for each unit/ element
work with certain technical specifications of the volume work stil to be temporary, while
the payment is based on the measurement results with the volume of work actually been
implemented by service provider. Based on field, the project is the determination
chatering agreement the direct election method, as set by the Committee for the
Procurement of Goods/ Services. Relation to the influence of unfair competition, then
the chartering agreement with a contract unit price did not reveal any construction
contract (chatering) as opposed to the existing legislation, namely Law Number
5/1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Bussines
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