Pembangunan Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia di Era Globalisasi
Not only in the field of general law, family law Indonesia received extensive
influence with the era of globalization. Indonesia through Law No. 7 of 1984 has
ratified the international convention on the elimination of all forms of discriminatory
treatment of women, known as CEDAW (The convension on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination Against Women). Logical consequence of ratification of this
convention, Indonesia is obliged to implement all the provisions of the Convention. In
this case the point of tangency with a very strong family law. Supposedly the development
of the law including family law and more specifically, is the law of marriage, rooted and
is looking complexion pure personality of the Indonesian nation has a philosophy of
Pancasila and still show the universality in the presence of other nations. But in fact the
swift global legal effect outside the substance deviate from the value of living in self
nation, it is felt as described in this paper. Therefore, this paper wants to examine the
influence of globalization on marriage law in Indonesia, and how should the attitude of
the Indonesian nation in the face of the effects of globalization on the law of marriage.
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