Implementasi Pembayaran Royalti dalam Perjanjian Lisensi pada Penerbitan Buku
The results showed that the system of royalties on book publishing has fourelements, namely the elements of the subject between the author as creator and publisher
as the copyright holder, elements of the agreement that the payment of royalties on
publishing a book based on the agreements set forth in the agreement in the form of a
license agreement. object elements are exploiting the economic rights over creative works
such as books, element in the system of royalty payments of book publishing is done
according to the agreement. Supervision of the number of books published, printed and
sold can not be much that can be done because the mechanism of publishing authors in
the book marketing is extremely complicated, in this cooperation kepercayaanlah
foundation. The process of transfer of rights to the publication of the manuscript done by
the author to different publishers to do that is the end of the book publishing
agreements, tort, and begins with the selection of the type of agreement on transfer of a
creation which Exclusive License Agreement, the Non-Exclusive License Agreement
and the surrender agreement.
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