Tradisi Bhāākāl Ekakoãghĭ ( Perjodohan Sejak dalam Kandungan) di Desa Sana Laok, Kecamatan Waru, Pamekasan, Madura Dalam Perspektif Hukum Adat Dan Hukum Islam
The results showed that the village community asana Laok Waru District,
Pamekasan, Madura is the majority of Muslims, more precisely NU Islam, classical.
This marriage has existed since the time of their ancestors, is estimated to have existed
about 213 years ago and their obligation is only to preserve the cultural custom. They
say that while it is not against the Islamic Shari'ah, there is no problem. Because there
is no Qur'anic proof that regulates it. The adat Bhakal Ekakoaghi does not contradict
the concept of an arranged marriage in Islam when it is greened from the purpose of
matchmaking in accordance with maqasid al-syari'ah but there is little that is less
appropriate about its execution time when the child is still in the womb, such as buying
a cat in a sack, buying something uncertain. Besides that which is less in accordance
with Islamic law is about the legal consequences of the custom. In the custom there are
many legal consequences if it does not carry out the custom, while in Islam there is no
legal compromise from cancellation of an arranged marriage.
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