Praktik Perkawinan Wanita Hamil Di Sleman (Studi Di Desa Pondokrejo Tempel)


  • Navis Syahadah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga



This study examines the problem of pregnant
marriage in Pondokrejo Village by focusing on
understanding and practice among the people. The
practice of pregnant marriage that occurred among the
people of Pondokrejo Village was motivated as in other
societies by extramarital pregnancies. The practice of
pregnant marriage is regulated in Article 53
Compilation of Islamic Law which confirms that
marriage in a pregnant state is permitted. Article 53
Compilation of Islamic Law which states that women
who are pregnant may be married to men and the
marriage does not need to be repeated. The practice of
pregnant mating in Pondokrejo Village has its own
uniqueness, namely the repetition after the birth of the
baby. With this the compilers are interested in
examining the reasons why the people in Pondokrejo
Village are married in a state of pregnancy and
understanding and practice of pregnant marriages.
In this study the compilers used field research.
With the research the compiler came to the location to
make observations to the people in Pondokrejo Village
to find out the community's understanding and
practices that occur in the community towards
pregnant marriage. In addition to observation
observations, the author also conducted interviews with
several parties related to the issue such as the Head of
Hamlet, Chairperson of the RT, Chairperson of the RW,
the community and the perpetrators. The approach
used in this study is the legal sociology approach to
observe how the understanding of the community and the practice of pregnant marriage in Pondokrejo Village
are then linked to the legislation that governs this. To
find out why the community allows marriage and
practices that exist in the community by looking at the
recording and repetition of the marriage.
This study reveals that the people of Pondokrejo
Village in allowing pregnant marriages because of the
cover-up of disgrace, obtaining child status and male
responsibility for impregnating her. The public
understanding of pregnant marriages is grouped into
two, namely, the first group that allows the practice of
pregnant marriages and the second group which
prohibits marriage in a pregnant state. Whereas related
to the practice of pregnant marriage the authors found
that along with the understanding of the community can
be translated into three, namely prohibition, the mating
permits pregnant on condition and without conditions,
while the acquisition is done by recording and having a
postnatal remarriage.

Author Biography

  • Navis Syahadah, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
    SUPREMASI HUKUM merupakan jurnal ilmiah dan media komunikasi ilmiah antar peminat ilmu hukum.


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How to Cite

Syahadah, N. (2018). Praktik Perkawinan Wanita Hamil Di Sleman (Studi Di Desa Pondokrejo Tempel). Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum, 7(2).