REFORMASI HUKUM DI TURKI DAN MESIR (Tinjauan Historis-Sosiologis)

Ahmad Zayyadi(1)


This paper is very important, because if we talk about the law reform
must have a very large impact on the Islamic world, especially the
political impact, that have oriented to legalization of the law between
religious law (devine law) and secular law (secular state). From here,
it need to examine the sociology of law related to the community or the
so-called law and society. Between law and society are inseparable
existence according to the times around it. Legal sociology (sociology of
law) is an empirical study of law as a social reality that emerged in the
community (field of social experience) and certainly not out of history.
This paper focused on the historical era of legal reform in Turkey and
Egypt that became icons of the history of reform in the Islamic world,
so that the two countries become an important study, both in terms of
social, politic, economics, law, religion, and so on.

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Ahmad Zayyadi (Primary Contact)
Zayyadi, A. (2014). REFORMASI HUKUM DI TURKI DAN MESIR (Tinjauan Historis-Sosiologis). Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum, 2(1).

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How to Cite

Zayyadi, A. (2014). REFORMASI HUKUM DI TURKI DAN MESIR (Tinjauan Historis-Sosiologis). Al-Mazaahib: Jurnal Perbandingan Hukum, 2(1).