Become A Reviewer

The success of the Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education, like that of all important scientific publications, is dependent on a dedicated team that can fairly and quickly assess manuscripts submitted by scientists from all over the world. Finally, the journal's team is in charge of selecting papers for publishing in Impulse that contain the most unique, significant, and impactful scientific findings.

Critical members of Impulse's team are outstanding scientists with competence in one or more of the topics covered by the journal and are prepared to give their time to review the original and updated versions of manuscripts submitted to the journal, as judged by their published work. 

Furthermore, the journal's editors and Editor-in-Chief rely on these reviewers for guidance on final editorial decisions (i.e., rejection or acceptance) for submitted papers. Impulse's Editorial Team would like to extend an invitation to eligible scientists to contact the journal's Editor-in-Chief about becoming reviewers for Impulse through this editorial.

If you'd like to be a reviewer for Impulse, please submit an email to with a brief summary of your background, professional accomplishments, and reviewing experience. We aim to hear from interested parties and to improve the quality and speed of Impulse's-review process in the future.