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Golden Age: Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini aims to provide a forum for
consideration of issues and for the exchange of information and ideas on research and practice in the field
of early childhood education, especially in Muslim society.
Golden Age: Jurnal Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini features original research in early childhood
education, especially in Muslim society. With this as its main focus, it should be emphasized that the
definition of education contains parenting, childcare, and inclusive Islamic religious approaches. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
Explore articles
Vol. 9 No. 4 (2024)
A Comparative Study of Moral Values Education in Public and Religion-Based Kindergartens in Yogyakarta
Pages 575-587
The Impact of Principal Leadership on Teacher Quality and Performance: A Mixed-Methods Study in Deli Serdang Regency
Pages 589-600
Introducing the Sounds of Objects in Early Childhood Daily Life through a Collection of Early Childhood Fairy Tales
Pages 601-615
Development of Early Landslide Detection Tool as Optimization of Disaster Mitigation Understanding for Early Childhood in Wonosobo
Pages 617-632
Resilience Factors in Early Childhood: Islamic Values and Self-Regulation through a Mixed-Method Approach
Pages 633-646
Demographic Factors Influencing Parental Perceptions of Early Childhood Sexual Education: A Study in Malang City
Pages 647-660
Identifying Batik Motifs in Early Childhood Art Learning: Developing Creativity and Cultural Awareness
Pages 661-672
Parent Involvement in School Programs: How Parents are Actively Involved in Islamic Kindergarten
Pages 673-687
Creative Freedom and Holistic Growth: Implementation of the STEAM Approach in Islamic Early Childhood Education
Pages 689-702
Assessing Anti-Bullying Program Implementation in Early Childhood Education: A CIPP-Based Evaluation Study
Pages 703-720
Unveiling the Value of Pancasila Learning in Early Childhood: The Garuda Bird Puzzle Game Approach
Pages 721-732
Exploring the Role of Game-Based Learning in Early Childhood Cognitive Development: Perspectives from Teachers and Parents
Pages 733-745
Enhancing Early Childhood Teachers’ Creativity through the Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum: An Experimental Study in Surakarta
Pages 747-756
Optimizing Digital Literacy Integration in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Tarbiyatul Athfal Bulumanis Kidul Kindergarten
Pages 757-770
Teachers' Perspectives on the Independence of Children Aged 5–6 Years Under Grandparental Care
Pages 771-780
Features original research in early childhood education, especially in Muslim society. With this as its main focus, it should be emphasized that the definition of education contains parenting, childcare, and inclusive Islamic religious approaches.