
  • Aprilia Mardiastuti Universitas Gadjah Mada



syariat makan dan minum, posisi makan dan minum, standing party, pesta pernikahan (walīmatul ‘ursy)


One of the most succesfull wedding party (walimatul ‘ursy ) begin–somehow-with the meal serving. In line to this modern life style, standing party became part of recent trend of serving meal by–even-various muslim communities. At the same time, standing while eating and drinking raise several ulama’s ideas in islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). While some outlawed the practice, another group of ulama said the contrary. Legal discussion about the concept of eating and drinking while standing require referral analysis, among others in getting from tradition. from analysis of the chain of transmission on a second source of Islam is found that both traditions allow or prohibit eating and drinking while standing; both are acceptable or valid (ai). While the verses of Qur’an describes the norms for prohibiting excessive eating and drinking, a narative analysis of the hadith regarding the prohibition of eating and drinking norms require in-depth study on the aspects of asbābul wurud. It is known from the latest aspect of study that hadith wich banned standing while consuming preserved moral or ethical reasons for Arab nations at that time, particularly a geographic reasons. Another study of asbābul wurud that allow consuming while standing prefers more for reasons of emergency circumstances. This paper, thus, ends the study with contextualization of those hadith from health issue. The study concludes that from the digestive concern, sitting while consuming was healthier than that of standing. Since the meal being digested will be swallowed softly and slowly, so the intestinal absorption function will run more optimally.

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