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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

1. Before Submission

Before submitting make sure that your manuscript is suitable for our Focus and scope

2. Preliminary Assessment

Submitted articles that do not meet the aims and scope of the journal will be rejected. The quality issues include inappropriate research questions, unsuitable methodology, insufficient contribution to the literature, and unethical research work. In addition, the papers written in language and grammar that do not meet academic writing standards are likely to be desk rejected.

3. The Manuscripts Structure

The manuscript structure is as follows

  • Title. The title must contain the main issue of the paper. The title should be clear and informative, and not more than 15 words.

  • Author's names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions and email addresses, without any academic title. For a joint paper, one of the authors should be notified as the corresponding author and be informed of his/her email.

  • Abstract, keywords, and JEL classification numbers (if available). The abstract of your paper is a critical part of your manuscript. It should clearly state the Purpose, Methods, Findings, Implication, and Originality of your manuscript. The length of the abstract should be between 150-250 words, including keywords and article classification. JEL Classification is available at

  • Introduction. This section explains the background to the study, a review on the previous researches in the area, and aims of the manuscripts. It should also show the significance and novelty of the research.

  • Literature Review. This section explores relevant literature review regarding the topic of your manuscript, then followed by the hypothesis development proposed by the author.

  • Methodhology. This section describes the appropriate tools of analysis along with the data and their sources.

  • Results and Discussion. This section explains the results of the study clearly and concisely. Author(s) should discuss by exploring the state of the art and novelties of the work to the economics literature.

  • Conclusion and Recommendation. This section concludes and provides policy implications/recommendation, if any, of the study.

  • Acknowledgment. Please acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article who does not meet the criteria for the authorship including anyone who provided professional writing services or materials. If you do not have anyone to acknowledge please write ‘not applicable’ in this section.

  • References. This section lists only the papers, reference books, or other types of publications referred in the body of the manuscript. Manuscript are expectedly involved primary and updated references.

4. General Requirement and Writing Format

Submitted articles must meet the following requirements:

  • Articles must be related to the specified journal aim and scope.
  • Articles are original works (do not contain plagiarism), and have not been published or are under consideration for publication.
  • Articles are written in good English with 5000 - 9000 words long on A4 paper size, with a left margin: 2.5 cm; above: 2,3; right: 2,3; and below: 2,3. Written using the Cambria font type, 12pt font size, 1,15 spaces.
  • Title is written in bold using Cambria, 14pt
  • Subtitles are written in bold, size 12, by writing as follows:
    Rank 2 (Uppercase, Lowercase, Flat Left Bank)
    Rank 3 (Uppercase, Lower-Slanted, Flat Left Bank)
  • Each beginning of a paragraph is typed indented into five beats.
  • References must be written with APA style using reference management tool such Mendeley or Zotero. References should be those of the last ten years publication (>80%), except for key references (80%). Referring to any textbook should be minimized (<20%).
  • Additional - Tables and Figures
    1. Estimation results from a software package are not allowed to be directly presented in the paper. They should be presented in summary tables.
    2. The name of tables and figures should follow a numbering system (Arabic numbering system). The title of the tables and figures are placed at the top and the bottom respectively.
    3. The tables and figures should provide the source of information, if any, at the bottom.
    4. Any table should contain only heading and contents. The table contains row lines only without column lines. Note(s) and source(s) should be included underneath the table where appropriate.
  • Additional - Equations and formula should be numbered as (1), (2).etc appearing to their right.
  • Please Download and Use our template here

5. References

The manuscript is expected to involve approximately 20-25 primary and up-to-date references to assert high-quality contributions to knowledge development. Citations and references must strictly follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style. References should include only works that are cited within the text of the manuscript. Consulting the APA style manual ( is strongly recommended for completing manuscript submissions.

Note: in case you get submission failure notification, please leave the reference field blank.

References should appear as:

Journals - Fakhrunnas, F., Dari, W., & Mifrahi, M. N. (2018). Macroeconomic effect and risk-taking behavior in a dual banking system. Economic Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(2), 165-176.

Conference Proceedings - Tohirin, A. & Husaini, F. (2019). Does Islamic banking financing help the poor?.  Proceeding of The 3rd International Conference on Accounting, Business & Economics, Indonesia, 41-50.

Reference Books - Mellor, J. W. (2017). Agricultural development and economic transformation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapters - Zulkhibri, M. (2017). The nature of waqf land and properties development in muslim countries. In Muhamed, Z. & A.G. Ismail (Eds.), Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: Perspectives from Islamic institutions and instruments (pp. 271-283). Palgrave Macmillan

Published Dissertation - Kabir, J. M. (2016). Factors influencing customer satisfaction at a fast food hamburger chain: The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (Publication No. 10169573) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Unpublished Dissertation - Harris, L. (2014). Instructional leadership perceptions and practices of elementary school leaders [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Virginia.

Government Reports - Economic and Monetary Policy Department. (2019). Synergy, transformation and innovation: Towards an advanced Indonesia. Bank Indonesia.

Electronic Sources - Economic and Monetary Policy Department. (n.d). Monetary Policy Review June 2020. Bank Indonesia. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from

6. Submitting Manuscripts

The guideline for submitting manuscripts should follow the Tutorial for Author - Submitting Manuscript menu in the sidebar of this journal

7. Review Process and Editorial Decision

Taking into account the results of the peer-reviewing process, the decision as to the acceptability of each manuscript for publication will be notified to the author(s) through the website system in the following alternative conclusions:

  1. Accepted without revision, or
  2. Accepted with minor revision, or
  3. Accepted with major revision, or
  4. Rejected.

8. Revision of manuscripts

Manuscripts sent back to the authors after revision should be returned to the editor with maximum of 4 weeks. Any longer of the returning manuscript will be considered as a new submission. The revised manuscript should be uploaded to the online journal system. The revised document should include:

  1. Revised Manuscript file with yellow highlight in the location of the revision
  2. Respond to the reviewer comment file which describes how the author deals with the reviewer revision.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.