Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections

J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah encourages open discussions and transparency in scholarly publishing. This policy outlines the journal's commitment to facilitating post-publication debates and mechanisms for correcting, revising, or retracting articles after publication to maintain the integrity and accuracy of its content. The journal follows the Core Practices outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Post-publication Discussions

J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah welcomes post-publication discussions on published articles. Authors, readers, and the scientific community are encouraged to engage in constructive and evidence-based debates on the content and findings of published works. The journal provides several avenues for post-publication discussions:

  • Letters to the Editor: Readers can submit letters to the editor, sharing their opinions, comments, or additional insights related to a specific article. The editorial board will consider publishing selected letters to foster a well-rounded scholarly conversation.
  • Comments on the Website: J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah does not allow nor provide facilities for readers to post comments directly on the website for security reasons. Online comments are proven to be a wide-open door to spammers and hackers. Comments are made in articles and submitted to J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah using our submission system/process to facilitate discussions and interactions.
  • External Moderated Site: The journal acknowledges the value of external moderated platforms, such as PubPeer, for scholarly discussions. Readers may also use these platforms to discuss J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah articles and findings.

Corrections, Revisions, and Retractions

J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah is committed to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of published articles. If errors, inaccuracies, or significant omissions are identified after publication, the journal will implement the following measures:


If minor errors or typographical mistakes are identified that do not alter the scientific content, J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah will issue a formal correction, clearly stating the errors and providing accurate information.


If substantial errors or inaccuracies are identified that affect the scientific content, the author(s) will be asked to submit a revised version of the article with the necessary corrections. The revised article will undergo editorial review and, if approved, will be published with a note indicating that it is a revised version.


In cases of severe misconduct, ethical violations, or fraudulent data, J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah may consider retracting an article. Retractions will be issued when there is clear evidence of unreliability or falsification of data in the published work. The retracted article will remain accessible with a prominent notice indicating that it has been retracted, providing a clear explanation for the retraction.

Compliance and Transparency

J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah editorial board, reviewers, and authors are expected to comply with the policies outlined in this information and actively participate in post-publication discussions and corrections as needed. All corrections, revisions, and retractions will be documented and publicly available on the journal's website.

Review of the Policy

J-MES: Jurnal Magister Ekonomi Syariah will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with best practices in post-publication discussions and corrections. Any revisions to this policy will be communicated to authors and made publicly available on the journal's website.