The Effects of Economic Competitiveness, Economic Freedom, Financial Development and Gender Equality on International Trade in ASEAN Countries


  • Nora Maulana Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • Harjoni Desky Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe
  • Muhamad Tarmizi Bin Shamshul Arif Universiti Sains Malaysia



economic competitiveness, economic freedom, financial development, gender equality, international trade


International trade plays a strategic position towards the success of the economic structure and is one of the crucial topics that can attract the attention of many countries, including ASEAN member states. This research study aims to explore, analyze and predict the effect of economic competitiveness, economic freedom, financial development, and gender equality on international trade in ASEAN countries. The study used panel-based secondary data with the Structural Least Squares analysis model. Research findings are known that economic competitiveness, economic freedom, financial development and gender equality are significantly able to increase the productivity of international trade in ASEAN countries. The results of the research can be used as evaluation and reference material for the government, business people and individuals in formulating regulations, policies, and taking steps to achieve economic goals.


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