Author Guidelines
The manuscript is submitted online on our Open Journal System at Click register, then follow five steps of a new submission. In case of difficulty, please do not hesitate to contact for assistance.
When submitting a manuscript, the corresponding author must confirm that:
- All registered authors have read and approved the submitted material.
- The text and findings reported therein are entirely the work of the author and are acknowledged.
- The submitted manuscripts or the data contained therein have never been published or accepted for publication anywhere journals and not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts can be rejected if the writing is not following the focus and scope of the Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat. The rejection will be informed by OJS message and email.
- The article is research findings, conceptual idea, science development on a certain field, and theory application study.
- The manuscript typed with Microsoft Word,
- It is written 6000 to 7000 words (exclude Reference), or within maximum 20 pages (include References)
- The article contains title; writer’s name, author affiliation (department, faculty, university / or institution), and Author’s corresponding email.
- The article should use APA style 6th edition and are expected to use reference managers such as Mendeley, Zotero, and those kinds of thing.
- The manuscript must free from plagiarism. Self-Check must be done before the submission. It should be under 25% of unique.
- Articles should be cover Title,Abstract (English, Arabic or Bahasa Indonesia), Keyword Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
- Abstract
The abstract is written in italic English, and Indonesian with a maximum of 400 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph that briefly describes the purpose of the study, method(s), results and discussion, conclusion and significance of the study. The abstract is clearly described as the core of the study.
- Keyword
Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 3 to 5 keywords (words or phrase) chosen to reflect the concept of the article and to help access to searches on the Internet. The keyword should be written in alphabetical order.
- Introduction
The introduction is written between 900 – 100 words. This part provides the background of the study and provides the significance of the study. A brief description of the theory used in this research should be explained in this section. It is containing the previous research to show the gap analysis and the author’s position in this study. It must also give state of the art and it must point out the research questions. In this part, the author(s) should use references (quotations) to support the argumentation.
- Method
This is written between 600 – 700 words. In this section, the author(s) has to mention the method and the approach used in this study. It should explain the details of research procedures; design of the study; data collection; and data analysis.
- Results and Discussions
Contains about 4200 – 4900 words. This section shows the results of the study and deep analysis or discussion which answer the research questions. Also, the author(s) must discuss the findings by strengthening the reason with supporting details taken from any references such as scientific journal, book, and other reliable sources.
- Conclusion
It contains about 300 – 350 word, concluding paragraph and provides the implication, limitation, and suggestion for further study.
- Reference
The References must consist of all sources cited in the article. All the sources should be under 10 years from its publication unless historical study. Sixty per cent (60%) of the references should be taken from the journal article.
Follow the styles shown in the examples below for the journal article, specific chapters in books, and books, respectively:
- Achilov, D., & Sen, S. (2017). Got political Islam? Are politically moderate Muslims really different from radicals? International Political Science Review, 38(5), 608–624.
- Sardar, Z., Serra, J., & Jordan, S. (2019). Muslim Societies in Postnormal Times: Foresights for Trends, Emerging Issues and Scenarios. International Institute of Islamic Thought.
- Winter, C. (2020). Making Sense of Jihadi Stratcom. 13(1), 10.
Make sure that you follow this checking list during the final checking of your manuscript before submitting the article. Ensure that the following items are present:
- One author designed as the corresponding author.
- Telephone and email address of the corresponding author
- Words, pages and line number are following the guide given
- References are in the correct format for this journal.
- All references mentioned in References are cited in the text and vice versa.
- Review
The manuscript that accepted, will be single or double-blind peer-reviewed. All reviewers are selected for their competence in the subject of the Paper. A paper may be accepted in its original form or subject to revision. The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the paper.
- Revision
After the review process, the manuscript may be returned to the author for revision. The deadline for returning revisions will be notified in the OJS message/email. Author(s) may revise and resend the manuscript after it is upgraded in the accepted format.
- Publication Fee
There is no publication fee
- Publication
The article will be published online. It available at
Thank you for choosing Panangkaran: Jurnal Penelitian Agama dan Masyarakat as a venue of your work.