Implementasi Live Forensics untuk Perbandingan Browser pada Keamanan Email


  • Muhammad Nur Faiz Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Rusydi Umar Ahmad Dahlan University
  • Anton Yudhana Ahmad Dahlan University



Digital Forensics become one popular term because Currently many violations of cyber crime. Digital techniques Computer Forensics performed or with analyze digital device, whether the device is a media Actors or as a media victim. Digital Forensic Analysis Being divided into two, traditional / dead and alive. Forensic analysis traditionally involves digital data Deposited permanent Operates in Irish, while live forensic analysis involves analysis of data Namely temporary in Random Access Memory or Deposited hearts transport equipment in the Network. Singer proposes journal Forensic analysis of life in the latest operation system windows 10. That study focused IN case several email security browsers Sales Operations manager of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Internet Explorer Edge. In addition, although many digital forensics type software applications not free, goal on research objectives compares browser security information so it will be more minimize abuse email.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Nur Faiz, Ahmad Dahlan University

saya mahasiswa Magister Teknik Informatika di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan angkatan 2016, s1 di UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta angkatan 2010 dan lulus tahun 2014 jurusan Teknik Informatika

no hp : 085729234400

Rusydi Umar, Ahmad Dahlan University

informatics engineering lecturer, faculty of engineering, Ahmad Dahlan University

Anton Yudhana, Ahmad Dahlan University

Electrical engineering lecturer, faculty of engineering, Ahmad Dahlan University


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How to Cite

Faiz, M. N., Umar, R., & Yudhana, A. (2017). Implementasi Live Forensics untuk Perbandingan Browser pada Keamanan Email. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 1(3), 108–114.