Analisis Keamanan Data Pelanggan dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Penggunaan Marketplace


  • Rizki Dewantara Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Kesehatan Bhakti Putra Bangsa Indonesia
  • Rauhulloh Ayatulloh Khomeini Noor Bintang Universitas Muhammadiyah Karanganyar
  • Rahmadhan Gatra UPT. PTIPD UIN Sunan Kalijaga



Customer, Data Security, Marketplace, Capability, Digital Economy, User Satisfaction


The advent of the digital economy makes commerce more accessible to everyone. Example: an online marketplace app that simplifies buying and selling. The marketplace app's useful features and ease of use attract many users. The marketplace app's functionality and convenience have been enhanced to meet consumer expectations and prioritize consumer data protection. This study investigates how customers protect their data when shopping online and utilizing marketplace apps. Environmental and social influences, personal data security facilities, the goal of utilizing the marketplace, and awareness of customer data security when using the marketplace application were asked of 70 random sample participants. The questionnaires had 16 Guttman scale questions. According to the report, 81.42% of customers trust the marketplace app to protect their data. Likewise, 88.57% of customers strongly believe that the marketplace application they use secures their personal information, indicating that this is related to their marketplace service needs.

Author Biographies

Rizki Dewantara, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Kesehatan Bhakti Putra Bangsa Indonesia

Sains Data, Fakultas Sains Teknologi dan Kesehatan, Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Kesehatan Bhakti Putra Bangsa Indonesia, Purworejo, Indonesia

Rauhulloh Ayatulloh Khomeini Noor Bintang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Karanganyar


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How to Cite

Dewantara, R., Bintang, R. A. K. N., & Gatra, R. (2024). Analisis Keamanan Data Pelanggan dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Penggunaan Marketplace. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 9(2), 94–104.


