Vol. 18 No. 1 (2022)
Specialty Rice (Oryza sativa L.) for Health in Indonesia
Abstract Viewed = 346 times |
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Preparasi Detergen Penyuci Najis Air Liur Anjing dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Surfaktan Metil Ester Sulfonat (MES)
Abstract Viewed = 817 times |
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Flavonoid Compound from Dichloromethane Extract of Crinum amabile Donn Leaves
Abstract Viewed = 160 times |
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Analysis of The Influence of Instructional Design and Usability on Student Motivation in Online Tutoring
Abstract Viewed = 187 times |
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Optimasi Portofolio Saham Menggunakan Model Markowitz Berdasarkan Prediksi Harga Saham
Abstract Viewed = 316 times |
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