Developing Wasathiyah Epistemology: A Literature-Based Study of Moderate Islamic Knowledge in The Post-Truth Era


  • Khoirul Umam Addzaky Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Uswatun Hasanah Universitas Islam Negeri aden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia
  • Zaki Faddad Syarif Zain Charles Darwin University, Australia



Wasathiyah, Epistemology, Moderate Islamic, Post-Truth


Abstract: The post-truth era has significantly impacted the understanding and practice of Islam, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish authentic religious knowledge from misinformation. Wasathiyah, as a principle of Islamic moderation, offers a balanced epistemological framework by integrating revelation (naql) and reason (aql), promoting contextual interpretation, and fostering critical engagement. This study examines the role of Wasathiyah epistemology in shaping moderate Islamic knowledge, enhancing digital literacy, and strengthening critical thinking in the post-truth era. Using a qualitative methodology with a content analysis approach, this research explores academic sources, including books, scientific journals, and prior studies. The findings highlight three key contributions: (1) Enhancing digital literacy among Muslims to counter misinformation, (2) Strengthening critical thinking and interfaith dialogue through a balanced understanding of Islam, and (3) Bridging textual and contextual analysis to preserve religious authenticity while adapting to contemporary challenges. However, this study is limited by its reliance on secondary sources. Further empirical research is needed to assess the practical application of Wasathiyah principles. Conceptually, this study contributes to the discourse on moderate Islam and contemporary epistemology.


Abstrak: Era post-truth telah berdampak signifikan terhadap pemahaman dan praktik Islam, sehingga semakin sulit membedakan antara pengetahuan agama yang autentik dan misinformasi. Wasathiyah, sebagai prinsip Islam moderat, menawarkan kerangka epistemologi yang seimbang dengan mengintegrasikan wahyu (naql) dan akal (aql), mendorong interpretasi kontekstual, serta membangun keterlibatan kritis. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran epistemologi Wasathiyah dalam membangun pengetahuan Islam moderat, memperkuat literasi digital, dan meningkatkan pemikiran kritis di era post-truth. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis isi, penelitian ini menelaah sumber akademik, termasuk buku, jurnal ilmiah, dan kajian sebelumnya. Temuan penelitian menyoroti tiga kontribusi utama: (1) Meningkatkan literasi digital di kalangan Muslim untuk menangkal misinformasi, (2) Memperkuat pemikiran kritis dan dialog antaragama melalui pemahaman Islam yang seimbang, dan (3) Menjembatani analisis tekstual dan kontekstual untuk menjaga keautentikan agama sekaligus beradaptasi dengan tantangan kontemporer. Namun, penelitian ini terbatas pada sumber sekunder. Studi empiris lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menguji penerapan prinsip Wasathiyah secara praktis. Secara konseptual, penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap wacana Islam moderat dan epistemologi kontemporer.


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How to Cite

Addzaky, K. U., Hasanah, U., & Syarif Zain, Z. F. (2024). Developing Wasathiyah Epistemology: A Literature-Based Study of Moderate Islamic Knowledge in The Post-Truth Era. HEUTAGOGIA: Journal of Islamic Education, 4(2), 199–217.


