ewline"> This article studies hadiths used in Majlisuzzikr led by Habib Abdul Hamid al-Mahdaly in Brunei Darussalam context. The object of this research islimited by investigating the recording video of the lectures on Bulūg alMarām, composed by Ibn ajar al-‘Asqalānī, that can be downloaded from
cyberspace, you tube. However, the study of hadith there has a close relation
with the government that put into effect the Islamic law (syariat). The
existence of hadith study in this Majlis apparently is inclined to support
the government of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. According to the Alfatih
mapping of explanation (pensyarh} an), this hadith study can be classifid
to the category of classical explanation with bayani reasoning. For example
relation to hadith explaination about the Prophet’s daily activities to give
priority from right to left that said by Al-Mahdaly that is everyone that
contradict with it will be accused as neglectful person and because of it can
be entered to the hell in the hereafter
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