TAFSIR VISUAL Kajian Resepsi atas Tafsir dan Ilustrasi dalam Tafsir Juz ‘Amma for Kids


  • Nafiatuz Zahro’ Alumni Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ulum Blitar Jl. Ciliwung 52 Blitar




rchange-newline"> Al-Qur’an as hudan li al-nās and rahmatan li al-‘ālamīn, can not be comprehended the mean without any exegesis. In order that Al-Qur’an and Exegesis are always easy given in the life and proved its existence which shalih li kulli zaman wa makan, they era does not only consider social character
change from the space and the time, but the subject too. It is consumer that
is containing of various ability standard and age. Unfortunately, almost
all exegesis is product that presented as adult consumption; beside in this
fact the modernization demand each element of life to begin all aspect from
children age for the maturation and the success future. One of the works
from several works that has been established to fulfil the children needed
is Tafsir Juz ‘Amma for Kids with the new thing that most shown from this
work is illustration. In this article, It uses reception method to fid listener reaction and AlQur’an reader in the meaning explanation. Reception that is done by
commentator has succeeded to be concretized into exegesis text with simple
language; beside the reception that it is done by illustrator has succeeded
to be concretized into visual language that is illustration that in the fial
accompany in the gotten up of a functional relation between both of them.
The existence of exegesis and illustration are cooperation and it is a form
of integration-interconnection. Illustration which as functional before has
become a helper media, fially it has potential as independent to be an
exegesis that is “Visual Exegesis.”
Abstract viewed: 513 times | PDF downloaded = 537 times




How to Cite

Zahro’, N. (2015). TAFSIR VISUAL Kajian Resepsi atas Tafsir dan Ilustrasi dalam Tafsir Juz ‘Amma for Kids. Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Hadis, 16(1), 123–141. https://doi.org/10.14421/qh.2015.1601-07


