AL-QUR’AN MENURUT PANDANGAN ORIENTALIS (Studi Analisis ‘Teori Pengaruh’ dalam Pemikiran Orientalis)


  • M. Muzayyin Researcher and Graduate Student at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



ewline"> This article tries to discuss the discourse proposed by modern western
scholarship regarding to the study of polemicies about Qur’anic studies,
that it is an inflence theory developed in nineteen century. The scholars
used historical criticism as one of biblical method. Shortly, by using this
historical criticism, they attempted to trace back the inflence of Jewish or
Christian ideas toward the Qur’a>n. As a result this paper fids that when
Muhammad came up with some Qur’anic doctrines, such as the history of
prophethood, as well the terminology in the Qur’an; were not simply alleged
or adopted from both of Jewish and Christian. This polemecies issue were
popularized mainly by Abraham Geiger, then followed by Teodor Noldeke,
William Muir, and John Wansbrough that will be on this article.
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How to Cite

Muzayyin, M. (2015). AL-QUR’AN MENURUT PANDANGAN ORIENTALIS (Studi Analisis ‘Teori Pengaruh’ dalam Pemikiran Orientalis). Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Hadis, 16(2), 203–221.


