The First (1st) International Conference on Islamic Education  in Southeast Asia (ICIESA) 

The ICIESA aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars who have studied in Southeast Asia or who are interested in Southeast Asia  to meet and discuss the future of Southeast Asia. The ICIESA is interdisciplinary at its core and encourages diverse approaches to global issues that are both mindful of the advancement of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia. 

The ICIESA is organized by the IJAR: Indonesian Journal of Action Reserch in partnership with likeminded institutions, in order to provide a venue for the exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, and culture, not only by IJAR members, but also by former foreign students of Southeast Asia from various educational institutions throughout the world, their own students and collaborators, and anyone interested in Islamic Education in Southeast Asia.

We look forward to welcoming a diverse and active group of conference participants.