Journal Subscription
IJAR: Indonesian Journal of Action Research purchase and subscription details:
- For institutions, the price of a single print issue is IDR. 120.000,-/issue (not including shipping cost)
- For individuals, the price of a single print issue is Rp. 100.000,-/issue (not including shipping cost)
- For Outside Indonesia, the price of a single print issue is $ 60/year (individual) (not including shipping cost)
- Journals can be purchased directly at the secretariat of the Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (Journal of Islamic Education) at Faculty of Education and Teaching Science, 2nd floor, House of Journal, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia Marsda Adisucipto Street Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia or through a transfer to BRI Syariah account name Ali Murfi, account number 1010659406.
- The availability of each issue may change at any time depending on the existing stock at the secretariat.
- For further information please contact: JPI Admin (+62823-2656-7300)
- The shipping cost is adjusted to the price of the postal delivery service provider and or the like.