Memorization of the Quran, Intrapersonal IntelligenceAbstract
Memorization of the Quran activities are activities that involve some intelligence in the process. Memorizing of the Quran can be done by anyone, from early childhood to the elderly. The focus of this study is on the process of memorizing of the Quran carried out by student at University. The study focused only on two boarding schools, namely the boarding schools of Krapyak and Kotagede, as boarding schools that have many students who study at University. The main problem is the influence of intrapersonal intelligence in the success of students in the process of memorizing the Quran. Intrapersonal intelligence here is the ability to recognize one’s character and strength. With a good introduction to yourself, the possibility of successfully fulfilling the role of a student as well as a santri who memorizing the Quran is very possible. The results of this study are the higher intrapersonal intelligence of a santri, a higher percentage of success that will be achieved in the process of memorizing the Quran, although several other obstacles may be faced.
Keyword: Memorization of the Quran, Intrapersonal Intelligence

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