Peer Review Process
All submitted article will be independently reviewed by at least two appointed reviewers, using form of "double-blind review". This reviewing process usually takes 6-8 weeks from the date of submission. Results of this reviewing process will be categorized into three groups: (1) accepted with minor or without revision; (2) accepted with major revision; and (3) rejected. All articles with major revision will be sent back to authors to be revised within 1-2 weeks from the date when editor sent it back to the authors. In making final decision process, the third reviewer could be appointed, if necessary.
As clearly stated on the author guidelines, our reviewers will be focusing on the detailed following points:
Did your abstract include the research background, research objectives, methodology, and findings?
Did your introduction address the research background, articulate the research gap to highlight the significance of the study, and clearly state the research focus and objectives?
Did your methodology section comprehensively include the type of research conducted, the rationale for selecting this research design, data collection techniques, data analysis methods, and a theoretical framework, if applicable?
Did the author(s) present the findings clearly to the reader, discuss them in light of the chosen theories and literature, reflect on the results to provide meaningful insights, or offer recommendations for further research?
Did your conclusion summarize the research findings, highlight the key points of the discussion, and conclude with a statement on how the study contributes to the field of research while acknowledging its limitations?
Did your references exceed 20 citations, adhere to the American Sociological Association (ASA) 6th Edition Style, and were they managed using reference tools such as Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero?