Representasi Disabilitas dalam Iklan 'We’re the Superhumans'
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Disability is not something that is 'invisible', but it is something real and present among us. Media, especially television through advertising, has a significant role in creating perceptions about disability and to change the paradigm of people on disability. This research discusses how Channel 4 (C4) through "We're the Superhumans" (WTSH) advertisement represents and constructs disabilities. This research used a qualitative approach and Peirce's semiotics method. The data are based on WTSH advertisement, literature study and documentation. Interviews were also conducted with C4. The results show that the disability is represented as 'superhumans' who have various abilities and achievements. Through 'Yes I Can' song, the spirit of the disability were represented. C4 constructed the reality of disability by displaying 140 persons with disabilities and celebrations for their achievements, not only as athletes but also as persons with disabilities in their daily lives.
[Disabilitas bukanlah suatu hal yang ‘invisible’ (tidak terlihat), namun merupakan sesuatu yang nyata dan ada diantara kita. Media, terutama televisi melalui iklan, memiliki andil yang besar dalam menciptakan persepsi mengenai disabilitas dan dalam mengubah paradigma masyarakat mengenai disabilitas. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana Channel 4 (C4) melalui iklan “We’re The Superhumans” (WTSH) merepresentasikan dan mengkonstruksikan disabilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian semiotika Peirce. Data penelitian berdasarkan iklan ‘We’re The Superhumans’, diambil dari studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Wawancara juga dilakukan dengan pihak C4 selaku pembuat iklan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa disabilitas direpresentasikan sebagai ‘superhumans’ yang memiliki berbagai kemampuan dan prestasi. Melalui lagu ‘Yes I Can’, direpresentasikan semangat para disabilitas. Melalui iklan WTSH, C4 mengkonstruksikan realitas mengenai disabilitas dengan menampilkan 140 penyandang disabilitas dan perayaan akan pencapaian mereka, bukan hanya sebagai atlit, namun juga sebagai penyandang disabilitas dalam keseharian mereka.]
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* Author(s) are the copyrigth holder(s) of their published articles and to retain publishing rights without restrictions.
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