Sistem Pakar Rekomendasi Profesi Berdasarkan Multiple Intelligences Menggunakan Teorema Bayesian


  • Elvanisa Ayu Muhsina UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Nurochman Nurochman UIN Sunan Kalijaga



Intelligence is perhaps to be the one of the most logical way to determine how smart people is.  That fact has always been a problem at job because there are number of job that attract people but require a high GPA for them. Employee with high GPA doesn’t always fit in his skill and work role. They unable to understand and maintain their performance. This expert system is a necessary for recommend job using Intelligence.

This research use a Bayesian theorem calculation to find out probability value and job recommendation. The value of MI (Multiple Intelligences)’s user, MI probability to a job and job probability to previous result without any evidence produce a Calculation Variable.

Result of the test shows output recommendation as expert system to 81.25% match with expert recommendation. 100% users statistically states the system running well. Expert system usability test shows 80% users strongly agree, 15.7% users agree and 4.3% users are neutral.

Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, Profession, Bayesian theorem


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How to Cite

Muhsina, E. A., & Nurochman, N. (2017). Sistem Pakar Rekomendasi Profesi Berdasarkan Multiple Intelligences Menggunakan Teorema Bayesian. JISKA (Jurnal Informatika Sunan Kalijaga), 2(1), 16–25.


