Dasar Negara dan Hukum Dasar: Suatu Telaahan Yuridis atas Relasi Pancasila dan UUD 1945
The basis of the State is the attitude of life or outlook onlife which is a state philosophy (political philosophy) which is
domiciled as the source of all sources of law or sources of
orderly law in a country. Whereas the Basic Law is the basic
rules which are used as the basis and source for the application
of all laws or regulations or legislation in the administration of
a country's government. In the spirit and pace of constitutional
dynamics, Pancasila as the Foundation of the Indonesian State
has a very close relationship with the Basic Law or the
Indonesian constitution, the 1945 Constitution, especially in this
case with the Preambulation of the 1945 Constitution. Apart
from the formulation of the Pancasila contained in the
Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, the two are inseparable from
each other, both are also regarded as basic norms, as sources of
positive law. The basic legal formulation in the articles in the
Body of the 1945 Constitution is emanating from the norms in
the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. The
principles of Pancasila are contained in and are part of the
Preamble to the 1945 Constitution.
Keywords: state foundation, basic law, Pancasila, 1945
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